Thespians are expected to:Show others they careBe honestTreat others with the respect they wish to receiveTake responsibility for their actions, words, and feelingsBe where they are supposed to be, when they are supposed to be there
Behavior Definitions & Interventions
Unsuitable Behaviors are defined as words or actions that are not an immediate threat or danger to an individual. Examples may include not listening, inappropriate language or actions, leaving their assigned group or activity, using devices or equipment they should not (including phones),or disrupting an activity.
The series of interventions for unsuitable behaviors is:
If the above steps do not resolve issue(s), thespian may be asked to leave program.
B.Advanced Behaviors
Advanced Behaviors are defined as words or actions that are an immediate threat or danger to an individual. Examples may include, but are not limited to, aggressive physical or verbal exchanges, bullying, or possession of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or weaponry.
The intervention for advanced behaviors is:
Notification and Suspension- A staff member will discuss the situation with the thespian and then contact the parent or guardian and explain what is happening. Suspensions are effective immediately and the parent or guardian must send someone to pick-up the thespian.
Special Notes
As a family we have read, discussed, and comprehended the Behavior Plan for the WACAC Kingswood Children’s Summer Theater program. We agree to approach situations with respect and expect the same in return..
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