Kingswood Children’s Summer Theatre’s Mission is enriching lives and changing the world by nurturing public appreciation of and participation in the arts by providing opportunities for public performances, leadership training, exhibits, and community education.
Kingswood Children’s Summer Theatre provides a program for children ages 6-18 years old to participate in all aspects of theater required to produce a culminating theater performance. Our program takes them through the audition process, theater etiquette, learning lines, learning songs, learning choreography and blocking, set design, costuming and make up.
Our 2024 program begins Opening Day- Tuesday, June 25 – and culminates with our performances taking place July 27&28. Workshops run Mondays through Fridays 8:30AM – Noon and are held at the fantastic Kingswood Arts Center in Wolfeboro.
We also have a 1 week program for those who would like to get a taste for what we do, or for those whose busy summer plans don’t allow them to stay with us the whole program. Our “one-weekers” join our full time thespians in learning pieces of the show we are in the midst of producing. Parents can join us for a “peek behind the curtain” and watch their thespians at the end of the week in one of our musical ensemble numbers. Our 1 week program for our 2024 season will run the week of July 8.
Leadership skills are a wonderful addition to our older thespian’s experience with our program as they work as our Group Leaders – balancing their time as guides for our younger thespians and working on their own roles in the play. For most of our Group Leaders, their hard work in our program can also be used towards Volunteer Hours required in many high schools as part of their Scholar Programs. Our Group Leaders are chosen via application process, the number will vary depending on enrollment.